
Benchmark #03: Project Research Proposal

due 2/12–13

Now that you have finished reading your Bill Nye book, you need to take a subject from that book, expand your understanding of it through additional sources, and synthesize what you have learned into a five-to-seven-page research paper that satisfies the criteria for a Scientific Literacy artifact in your graduation portfolio.

For two possible research possibilities, respond to the following prompts in short answer format:

  1. Research Topic: _______________________________________
  2. Why would you like to research this topic?
  3. How is this topic related to your book?
  4. What are some possible theses you could have for this topic (note that you need to explain the social, technological, or scientific significance of your topic)?
  5. What pages does it talk about your topic in your book?
  6. Explain in as much detail as possible what you already know (or that your book explains) about this topic.