
Benchmark #01: Group Reading Proposal

due 1/17–18

As soon as the Bill Nye groups are determined, each group will formally decide which of the 10 books it will read for the project. Moreover, your group must lay out a reading schedule that allows you to finish the book by February 1.

In English class on Thurs. 1-17/Fri. 1-18 (depending on your block), your project group must make a formal presentation to your classmates that answers the following:

Prepare one Keynote slide that complements your oral presentation. It should contain the following elements:

Every group member must speak during the oral presentation. Sketch out a script that addresses all the questions listed above, and divide it among you. More than one group member can address particular questions, especially when discussing what you hope to learn from the book.

All the Metro standards for public speaking apply: face the audience with confident posture, prepare notes that allow you to maintain eye contact with your audience, do not read from your Keynote slide.