Date introduced: 5/4
Paper Proposal: 5/8
Structural Outline: 5/12
Complete draft due: 5/18
Final draft due: 5/29
Rubric: Grad Portfolio Literary Analysis.pdf
Submission Checklist: submissionChecklist.pdf
For your last major literary analysis of the year, construct an argument or otherwise wrestle with a question that extends across multiple works of literature by multiple authors.
The paper must address at least two of the books we have read this year, but you may incorporate any other literature that you wish.
Here are some examples of intertextual thesis statements:
We will move through this essay in steps:
You must observe proper citation technique when quoting or paraphrasing sources in your text, and include a list of “Works Cited” at the end of your paper. Please refer to resources on my website for citing sources.
Due Friday 5/8
Your first step is to propose a paper topic. With at least two healthy paragraphs, write a proposal in which you do the following:
Bring in a typed copy of your proposal on the due date; you will share your proposal with the class in a read-around.
Due Tuesday 5/12
In whatever format is most comfortable to you, sketch out a structural outline of your paper. Think of what your reader needs to understand the logic of your thinking on this topic. You can use roman numerals, bullet points, a sequence of topic sentences, visual diagrams, concept maps, whatever works best for you. Your outline does not need to give sentence-level detail, but it should provide an estimate of the order and sequence of your paragraphs. Your overall thesis should be apparent by this outline.
Due Monday 5/18
A complete draft is at least six pages, is readable, and has a recognizable beginning, middle, and end.
This is an important step that you must take seriously and for which you must meet the deadline. Much of classtime during the week of 5/18 will be devoted to revision exercises on this draft.
Due Friday 5/29
Posted by Justin Wells : 05/02/2009