Writing Assignment #2: The Culture Behind the Art


Date due: Friday, 9/12
Date assigned: Monday 9/8

Read the excerpt from Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur) by Sir Thomas Malory (1485) and the first part of “Metamorphosis”
by Franz Kafka (1913). Think critically about the clues that these works of art provide about the cultures that produced them. Then write a short essay that communicates your thinking on the following question:

Considering these two stories as evidence, what has changed—and what has stayed the same—about the Western world view between 1485 and 1913?

Look for answers by comparing the literary elements of the stories: character, plot, setting, description, tone, style, and figurative language such as metaphor.

In your analysis, you must quote at least four passages from the texts. Beyond that parameter, you may approach this topic in any way you like. You may write from the first person and discuss your experience reading these two texts. Your thesis does not need to come in the form of a definitive answer. You are encouraged to raise questions. You are encouraged to address multiple points of view. However, the finished product should be logical, coherent, and polished.

When you are communicating to a reader, grammar and spelling always matter. Proofread your work carefully—or make sure it is proofread by someone you trust.

Posted by Justin Wells : 09/07/2008