Over the Weekend: May 24–26

Final draft of the American Author paper is due Friday, May 30. Most of you have plenty of work to do, so this weekend should be a big push.

During class this past week, we had fruitful discussion comparing a strong example of an American Author paper to the Literary Analysis Rubric by which your paper will be evaluated. For your reference, I have posted this former student’s paper as a file download, both as a pdf and in its original Word doc format.

I made a big deal this week (got down on my knees in fact) about the formatting of your paper. As I said in class, this is your prom paper and it should be dressed up accordingly. I handed out a submission checklist which should guide you in preparing your paper for its final draft. Again, review Jamie Arrambide’s paper as an example of what I expect.

To recap, these are the links and downloads you may find useful for your American Author paper:

Posted by Justin Wells : 05/24/2008