Week 31: April 20–24

What’s Due

Monday we continue our study of the fundamental parts of sentences, part of our larger work in tight writing. The key concept is the difference between a phrase and a clause. The last half of class is a close look at Raskolnikov’s confession to Sonya.

Tuesday we start a new economics unit called Food Court.

By Thursday, you have finished reading Crime and Punishment, and we discuss the larger philosophical themes behind the book. Specifically, we examine the question “Is Dostoyevsky a nihilist?” You are introduced to various external texts to inform your answer to the question, namely:

Whichever of these texts we don’t read together in class, you need to read on your own before class on Friday. We will discuss further before you write a short in-class essay that serves as your final reading test on Crime and Punishment. The question is the same: “Is Dostoyevsky a nihilist?” Quote passages from both the novel itself and the external sources to support your answer.

Posted by Justin Wells : 04/20/2009