For Lesson 6: Monday/Tuesday be prepared for a reading quiz on Kafka’s “Metamorphosis.” (G Block also takes a quiz on Mallory’s “Death of Arthur,” which E Block did last week.) The discussion on the differences between these two works sets us up for Writing Assignment #2: The Culture Behind the Art, a short essay due at the end of the week.
In Government, student groups present to the class the governments for the 100-person societies they have created. Introduction to the terms autocracy, oligarchy, and democracy facilitates our analysis of these hypothetical governments.
Lesson 7: Wednesday is devoted to the grammar and formatting expectations for essays you submit in this class. You need to meet these expectations for WA#2, due on Friday.
For Lesson 8: Thursday/Friday, we begin the research process for the Xlandia mini-project. You also are introduced to the major literary eras that we study through the rest of the year.
Posted by Justin Wells : 09/07/2008