Week 16: January 7–11

Writing workshop will dominate much of our classtime in the remaining three weeks of the semester. This is our opportunity to revise and finalize the major writing assignments of the semester. Your semester grade is largely based on the final quality of:

The door is open for revising all of these works. You will be able to use class time as you see fit to improve these pieces; meanwhile, I will be conducting focused writing instruction and coaching through both large-group exercises and individual writing conferences.

In order for this time to be productive for you, you need to bring the following to every class in the coming weeks:

Monday (Lesson 40), we finish the American Author presentations that we started last week.

On Tuesday/Wednesday (Lesson 41), we look at screenshots of thesis statements for your Song of Solomon papers, then move into a writing workshop.

On Thursday/Friday (Lesson 42), in addition to writing workshop, you are introduced to the concept of tight writing to help you with your revisions.

Posted by Justin Wells : 01/06/2008