Week 15: December 10–14

Our student teacher, Mary Clair, has designed a week of poetry lessons for us, focusing on the notion of style in literature. When we talk about style, we refer to how a writer delivers her message, as opposed to the content of a piece, or the what a writer is trying to say.

On Monday we look at song lyrics and music videos as a means to understand the concept of style.

On Tuesday/Wednesday, we explore differences in style by reading a range of poets, including Walt Whitman, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Langston Hughes, Elizabeth Bishop, and Maya Angelou.

For Thursday/Friday, you bring in ten or so lines of your own poetry in your own style or the style of a poet you admire. We do a read-around of student poetry.

A complete rough draft of WA#4: Song of Solomon Literary Analysis is due on Thursday/Friday.

Posted by Justin Wells : 12/13/2007