The Propositions

These are the California statewide ballot measures appearing on this November’s ballot. Each student team creates a political television ad taking a position on one of these.

Prop 1: High Speed Rail Bonds. Legislative Initiative Amendment.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 2: Standards for Confining Farm Animals. Initiative Statute.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 3: Children’s Hospital Bond Act. Grant Program. Initiative Statute.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 4: Waiting Period and Parental Notification Before Termination of Minor’s Pregnancy. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 5: Nonviolent Drug Offenses. Sentencing, Parole and Rehabilitation. Initiative Statute.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 6: Police and Law Enforcement Funding. Criminal Penalties and Laws. Initiative Statute

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 7: Renewable Energy Generation. Initiative Statute

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 8: Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 9: Criminal Justice System. Victims’ Rights. Parole. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 10: Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Renewable Energy. Bonds. Initiative Statute.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 11: Redistricting. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Prop 12: Veterans’ Bond Act of 2008.

pdf download of summary, analysis, and arguments

Posted by Justin Wells : 09/08/2008