Invitation to Voter Information Night


On Monday, November 3, the night before the coming election, students of Metropolitan Arts and Tech High School want to tell you how to vote. After two months of research into the political process and the art of persuasion, the students will present campaign commercials on the major issues of the state and federal election.

The junior and senior students are presenting television ads on the various and always complicated California ballot initiatives. Our freshman and sophomore students will air radio spots that tackle the important issues framing this year’s exciting presidential race.

Almost none of these students are old enough to vote. After studying these issues so carefully, they are looking forward to this unique opportunity to share their opinions with voters and play a role in American democracy. Your presence is important to them and, conveniently, will prove very informative to you before you head to the polls the next day.

Before and after the presentations, students will host information booths where you can learn more about what is on the ballot . . . . . . and how you should fill it out.

Posted by Justin Wells : 10/21/2008