
Benchmark #02: Team Platform

due 9/26

This week, your team’s task is to decide which ballot measure you are working on, to take a position, to research your position, and to formally announce your platform to the class.

Written Requirements

Your campaign group will need to submit a written brief (properly formatted according to class requirements) to enter yourselves into the contest. This brief should include the following:

  1. an announcement of your team’s position on one of the 12 state propositions. This will be the subject of your campaign ad.
  2. a non-biased background summary of what the ballot measure proposes, i.e. what would change if it passes. (at least 200 words)
  3. a description of the arguments for and against the ballot measure. This part should include a list of the special interest groups that are lining up for and against (at least 400 words)
  4. a list of the political issues that are raised by this proposition (200 words)
  5. a list of the five people whom you are interviewing for your Focus Group Research and the rationale behind these choices
  6. a status report on how your group is collaborating: how have you reached your decisions, how have tasks been divided and accomplished in the first week (at least 150 words)
  7. a bibliography that cites at least two articles written about your proposition, from sources that are not the Secretary of State Voter Information Guide or the Smart Voter site. 7. (A great free site that will help you correctly construct your bibliography is Easy Bib.)


On Friday, 9/26, your group will stand before the class to present the information above. In addition, you must also report on initial findings from your Focus Group Research, so have at least three interviews completed by this point.

Prepare a handful of Keynote slides to support your presentation. If you have a Google account, utilize Google Docs. This feature allows you to share documents and slides, online. You also don’t need to worry about bringing a file to school since Google Docs are accessible on the Internet.

Every group member must speak during the oral presentation. Sketch out a script that addresses all the elements listed above, and divide it among you.

All the Metro standards for public speaking apply: face the audience with confident posture, prepare notes that allow you to maintain eye contact with your audience, do not read from your Keynote slide.